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Here are now some sentences which are regularly said in Malta:

1. I´m so shy!!! This sentence was mostly used from Josef...But he was the opposite of shy...:)

2. ...aber mich immer anpflaumen!!! This sentence was used from Agnes and the situation in which she said it was really embrassing...=)

3.Leaving on a jetplane!!! This was used from me and Caro...And we both know what we mean with it...;)

4.Viech!!!! This was used from Agnes and she used it every day...=)

5. I know-you love me!!! This was said by Josef and he´s really conceited...:)

6. Fück müsch!!! This came from Josef but it was always used by Jojo!=)

7. Tu pist hüpsch!!! This was the first try for Josef to speak German...

8. You are all Schlampes!!! The second try...But he got better every day...=)

9. Isch bab disch!!! This is a sentence from Caro,but she doesn´t know what it means...=)

10. It-tipjip joqtol!!! This was my favourite sentence!!!=)

11. Good luck with your date!!! It was used by me in the Axis!*fg*

12. I always use two for you!!!(Thx Jojo!;) ) I forgot this really important sentence and I know why...-It was said by Bernard!!!...Oh,I will use it so often,believe me!!!...

These are the sentences which were used everyday in Malta...Perhaps you know some more-write me in my guestbook!=)